Sunday, December 5, 2010


last few weeks, our lecturer taught us about random word which usually help us in brainstorming ideas. this time he told us to make a warning sign using a kitten...yes, a harmless little kitten.

and this is what I came up with...
since a kitten has sharp teeth, I figured that sharp teeth is rather dangerous.

Pain is like an Ice Cream

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Love is like the heat of a Chili

A poem of 'Love', with a chili...

I just can't help myself to draw this chili!
to be honest....I don't even like chili. It gives me the headache...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Native uses of 'the Mortar and the Pestle'

There are many uses of these ancient tools and these are the uses that I came up with...

Long is part of the beauty...

Remedy is a must in order to keep the social running...

The natives need to get up early in the morning too...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Going 'Googled'

'Google' is one of the word that exist in everybody's mind indicating the famous search engine in the internet. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the creator the Google search engine. It all began when Larry and Sergey met in Stanford and they both disagreed to almost on everything during their first meeting.
They both are computer science grad students, started developing a search engine called BackRub.

Founder of Google,
Sergey Brin and Larry Page
The search engine had operated on Stanford servers for just a little over a year when it started taking up to much bandwidth to suite Stanford. So they decided to switch servers and renamed the search engine in 1997, calling it Google. The name comes from a mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zero’s. The use of the term reflects their mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.

In august of 2008, Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim writes them a check for $100,000 to a company that didn’t even exist yet. It was at this very moment that they realized what they had  and went and incorporated the name Google Inc. Their knowledge was great, but not great enough to impress the money boys or the major internet portals. Oh how they wish they invested in them now! So they began struggling for financial support. Andy was one of the few to see true potential of what these boys had created. During their presentation to him, Andy said he had to duck out for another meeting and offered to write them a check. The check was for $100,000 and that indeed had got things moving for them. 

In September the boys moved into the their workspace in Susan Wojcicki’s garage at 232 Santa Margarita, Menlo Park, CA. They then went on to file for incorporation in California on September 4 1998.  Shortly after completing this important task, the boys went an opened a bank account in the name of Google Inc., their newly established company, and deposited the $100,000 dollar check Andy Bechtolsheim had given them. Shortly after they have established there new business they began hiring employees. There first one was Craig Silverstein, a fellow grad student from Stanford as well.

In December of 1998 PC Magazine wrote: “The 25 million pages currently catalogued seem to be good choices. The site has uncanny knack for returning extremely relevant results. There’s much more to come from Google, but even in its prototype form it’s a great search engine.” .  They went on to say that Google had made its mark as one off the Top 100 websites for 1998. Even at the very beginning they received only the best reviews.

They then went on to become the most successful internet company ever. Early in 1999 they struck a deal with Seqouia Capital and Kleiner Perkins for $25 million. In November 1999 Charlie Ayers joined Google as the company’s first  chef.  In April of 2000. Google announced the MentalPlex program, which envisages the software’s ability to read your mind as you visualize the search results you want. In June of 2000, Google partnered with Yahoo! to become their default search provider. Also in June they announced the first billion URL index, making Google become the world’s largest search engine. In September of 2000 they started offering searches in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean , bringing their total number of supported languages to 15. In December 2000 Google toolbar was released.

A poster of  Larry Page, Eric Schmidt and
Sergey Brin

Eric Schmidt(middle) joined Google's board of directors as chairman in March 2001 and became the company's CEO in August 2001. At Google, Eric Schmidt shares responsibility for Google's daily operations with founders Page and Brin. As indicated by page 29 of Google's 2004 S-1 Filing Eric Schmidt, Page, and Brin run Google as a triumvirate. Eric Schmidt possesses the legal responsibilities typically assigned to the CEO of a public company and focuses on management of the vice presidents and the sales organization.
According to Google's website, Eric Schmidt also focuses on "building the corporate infrastructure needed to maintain Google's rapid growth as a company and on ensuring that quality remains high while product development cycle times are kept to a minimum.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Behind the word 'Creative'

In yesterday's lecture, I learned something that I knew a long time ago but done actually understand what it means... The lecturer ask us, "where do you do your thinking? With your brain? Or with your heart?"

At first I answered the brain because of the scientific studies. Mr. Radzi (our lecturer) told us the Egyptian Pharaoh said the brain is the heart. It might seems weird but it's true. I finally realize it because we willing to do things WITH OUR HEART.

While I was browsing the internet, I found a lot of wonderful things. Some are imaginative,

Some are innovative

And some are just crazy or weird

But that crazy-ness leads to something out of the ordinary, and that is what I think creative is all about